Monday, October 24, 2011

Holding Pattern...

Well, I'm nearly halfway through the second book in Christopher Paolini's dragon series (aka The Inheritance Cycle), and I surprisingly don't have that much to say about it.  It's good, I'm enjoying it, but I'm definitely not blown away by it.  I think what I'm enjoying the most so far is trying to guess what kind of sci-fi/fantasy novels inspired the author when he was writing this.

When I started this new blog I was sure I would have plenty of things to write about as I'm reading, but it seems that since I started this blog, I've had nothing interesting to say!  I feel like I'm stuck in a bit of a holding pattern as I wait for some of the books I really want to read to either become available, or published.

Frequently, I ask for recommendations for books to read from family and friends, and I've read quite a few good books with their help.  So I think I'll just put it out there that if anyone reading this blog ever has a suggestion, please let me know!  I'd love to find something amazing to get me out of this reading funk!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Waiting List

I've been struggling to accept the new "e-book" movement.  (Ok, I know, it's not exactly "new" but I'm really not one to embrace technology until I have to.)  I have a lot of reservations about buying books that I can't actually touch, feel, look at or share.  I love my books, I love my bookshelves full of books, and I love being able to loan out a favorite to a friend because I have it on hand.  But, I'm broke.  And books are expensive.  Some e-books are less expensive than books and, as I've discovered lately, my local library is connected to an online e-book library where you can "borrow" e-books on your "reader" without leaving your house.  Which is a huge bonus when you have an almost-two year old.

The other day I discovered that the Portland library now has a few "nooks" that you can borrow and use for reading e-books.  I thought this would be a good, free, opportunity for me to try out the e-books and the e-book readers.  So I had my husband put me on the list at the library.  I am number 65 in line.  The lady at the lending desk told him she'd see him in a few years. 

So there goes that plan.

I guess I'll be sticking with my real books for a while longer.  Which makes me happy, because I love them so much, but sad, because I'll be stuck waiting for things to become available at the library, or go on sale at my local bookstore.

I really think I need to win the lottery.  Could you imagine a life of unlimited books???  It would be so amazing...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Super Dork Status

I know I'm a dork.  I obviously have embraced that fact.  But, there's just something about reading dragon books that makes me feel like a super dork.  Add in the fact that they're young adult dragon books and, well, I feel ridiculous admitting I'm a fan.  But, I'm going to embrace it, because there's a NEW book coming out in the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini and I'm going to read it.  So there.

I've read the first three: Eragon, Eldest, and Brisinger, and the fourth, Inheritance is coming out next month.  I'm by no means a super fan, I actually had forgotten this book was coming out until I saw an advertisement for it on Amazon.  Since I've been looking for a series to get into at the moment, I'm thinking I'll go ahead and re-read the first three so I can be prepared for the fourth.

I'm really starting to think I need to take a vow not to start series until ALL the books have been published.

From what I remember, the books were very well written, especially for a young adult series, and in spite of the fact that I don't normally enjoy fantasy novels, had a very good storyline.  I'll have to write updates on my thoughts as I am reading them, a good project for my new blog.
Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Isn't it disappointing when you have high hopes for a book and it lets you down?  I read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith a few years ago; it was EXCELLENT!  I loved the way it seamlessly wove together the classic story of Pride and Prejudice with the absurdity of zombie attacks.  It was a quick, fun, zombie filled book.  You can't ask for much more than that.

So I was excited to see Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters on the used shelf at my local bookstore.  I was looking forward to another quick and humorous twist on a classic.  I vaguely remembered that this was by a different author (Jane Austen and Ben H. Winters) but I was excited nonetheless.

I shouldn't have been.  It has been really slow going and the humor just isn't there in this one.  I'm actually considering "putting the book down."  (Gasp!)  I don't usually stop reading things once I've started them.  I like to finish what I've started so I can get the whole story, and so I can say, "Yes, I've read such and such."  Usually, I can grin and bear it through most things, but I'm just not sure about Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters.  I'll keep going for a few more days, with a little luck there will be some more sea monster attacks and maybe a bit more interesting storyline.  Maybe...

Do you stop reading things when they don't interest you, or do you try to stick it out?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have a younger sister and every time I post anything online about reading books she promptly calls me a dork.  She's correct.  I'm a giant dork.  I love to read, I've always loved to read and, as I've discovered lately, I like to talk about how much I like to read.  Hence my new blog, The Reading Dork.

For the past eight months I've been diligently writing a personal blog about my life, my family and what I'm reading.  And I've been reading a lot.  Since I now find myself in a crossroads of "what happens next" with my life, I thought I would take this opportunity to see just how far I can take my little reading hobby.

My goals, right now, include just a couple of things.  First, trying to make an online reading group.  I would really like to share books with people who are reading them with me, instead of just offering my thoughts and opinions.  I'd like some feedback!  I'd also like to set a goal of maybe 100 followers, either on the blog or on facebook.  After that, well, ultimately I'd like to figure out a way to make reading books my primary occupation.  Since that seems a bit daunting, I'd settle for just finding a way to get a free book sent my way every once in a while.  A girl's gotta have dreams, right?

So, thank you for taking the time to check out my blog.  And here's to setting goals for yourself!
